Wednesday 7 March 2012

Shop Mac Cook Mac Event at Mid Valley 7th Mach 2012

Cute,kan? hihi 

With My dear Emily my 'x' Mac Colleague 
With Helmy our Junior at Mac!
With 1 of the Top makeup artist AyangKamell..
Kay Rohani ( Right ) is my colleague when i was with Aljazeera Internasional (Asia)  And onthe left is 1 of the Top Makeup artist! Dammn! I forgot his names >.<
We are the same industries! Forget about the 'Jakel' paper bags! >.<
Well well well.... Cant stop taking pict with Adam Lambert Malaysia! hihihi
The Model's
Setiap kali Mac Event, memang Wajib untuk aku menghadiri! Having fun with Mackies, their new limited editions & most fun is berjumpa dengan sahabat2 se industries... Kecoh mmg kecoh! Maklum la... Bkn selalu dpt berjumpa... Paling2 pon hanya berhubung dialam Maya FB... ^___^
The Host for the Event!
The Models 'Shop Mac Cook Mac' Event

Setelah Penat ketawa & Ber PR... Kami singgah sebentar di Garden's restaurant untuk mengambill nafas & berbual more about work with AyangKamell and not to forget some advice for the new makeup artist Razzi... We're really havin Fun!

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