Saturday 18 February 2012

25 Random Things about Me....

  1. Get married at17th and divorced at my aged 21th.. On 18th years old, (Very young ha..) I'm having a title as a "Mother".. By my aged 20th i already have 2 daughters.. Love them sooooo Much! ( Whole mothers in d world LOVE their Children la! hihihi ) Angel of mine..  After 12years of being a 'Single Parent', i remarried! Had a son & I can feel this time is until the end of my life... 
  2. Had a Diploma in makeup! Leaned & Experimental a lot with MAC for about 6 years with them. Experiences broadcasting with Aljazeera International ( Asia ) for HD makeup and now more to freelance makeup artist to gain More Experiences in order to go for the International Level soon... Insyaallah.... ^__^
  3. Homely type of persons.
  4. Very Positive, Strong, Big heart, Open minded & Happy go lucky girl... ^___^
  5. I don't know why, When i see people achieved s'thin like Win, Happy & Surprise, my eye's tent 2 come out  tears! hihihihi~~ Seems like i can feel how is the feeling after struggle so many things.. Gosh!! But 2 bad, I can't cry when i see sad things... Why haaa.... >.<
  6. I LOVE COLORS!!! I love those Bright colors! 
  7. I Love Challenge!
  8. Friendly!
  9. Agak simple person but sometimes like luxurious! Mcm mana tu eekk?? Anyway I can deal with small & big thinks. Just bring me to anywhere, i have NO PROBLEM at all... ^___^
  10. Fav food is all kind of Asian food! I'm a very slow eater..hiiihihi~~ If i eat slow, i can finish my food! But in hurry, i'm sorry... i cant finish my food! >.<
  11. Fav drink all type chill drinks! 
  13. Alwayssss Smile!
  14. Love 2 talk! pot pet.. pot pet... & Not too forget LOVE TO COOKS!
  15. I Hate Slow people! Sorry...
  16. Love to take pict of myself & people... ^__^
  17. Love Holidays!
  18. A Loyal Persons !
  19. I HATE a Material persons.
  20. Love to take the advice with the RIGHT people.
  21. Always in SHORT hair... Wink2**
  22. Hate Drama's Persons! I can be good with them, But they cant enter my LIFE!
  23. Love Children!
  24. I don't/Never smoke! But still can party! Ahhhaakkss!! I Love Musics! Love to dance too... hihi..
  25. Have sooo Many dreams with lovely families... ^__^

*** Tuhan, aku mohon,- Betapapon salahnya aku dan betapa lalainya aku - Aku mohon agar Engkau membersihkan Hati, Fikiran, dan tubuhku ini dari Kesalahan dosa2ku agar dengan izinMu untuk memasuki syurgaMu..
Tuhan, gementar aku menyampaikan kerinduan hatiku agar Engkau jadikan kesulitan hidupku dan semua kepedihan hatiku - Sebagai pembuka pintu Syurga bagiku..
Tuhanku yang Maha Lembut..
Jalanilah aku dimuka bumi ini sebagai jiwa yang telah Kau sediakan tempat yang indah di Syurga.. Amiinn...

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